2022-09-27 12:40 阅读: 评论:“graphic settings”的意思是:图形设置 英文:graphic setting 音标: ['græfɪk] ['sɛtɪŋ] 释义:图形设置 例句:
1、You will be able to run it on very old hardware, and you can go into great detail adjusting the graphic's settings. 在游戏中可以调整图形效果的各种细节,使得游戏可以在非产古老的机器上运行。
2、Dynamic EQ may be stored in its own memories, as can graphic EQ settings, all other input settings or all output settings, and every combination of these if necessary! 动态均衡器可存储在自己的记忆,可以图形均衡器设置,所有其他的输入设置或所有输出设置,如有必要,其中的每个组合!